Complimentary Consultation
Let’s start with a complimentary consultation (clinical history). We’ll let you know if we can help. If not, we’ll let you know who can.
Complimentary Consultation: Free

New Patient Appointment
If we can help you, and you're happy to go ahead, you can proceed straight into an examination which includes: Thermographic Imaging, Heart Rate Variability, posture, neurological, orthopaedic and a chiropractic examination.
New Patient Appointment: $130 - New Practice Promotion (Usually $170)
Report of Findings and Recommendations
Following on from your New Patient Appointment, Dr Steve will gather all the information into a written report. He will sit down with you to explain the key findings and recommendations.
After answering your questions, and assuming you are keen to move forward with care, then you can begin with your first treatment session and adjustments.
Report of Findings and Recommendations: No further fee - included with New Patient Price
Treatment & Adjustment Session: $75
We are ACC Accredited...
ACC - New Patient Appointment:
ACC - Treatment & Adjustment Session: