Here at Blue Sky Chiropractic, we offer a range of approaches and techniques to help your body function and feel better for everyday life.
You only get one body, why not get it working
and moving at its absolute best?!
Here at Blue Sky Chiropractic, we're proud to offer Thermographic Imaging. Thermography is a state of the art, radiation-free technology, that detects temperature changes in the body. As inflammation is often the first sign of a health problem, even before obvious symptoms, thermal imaging is an extremely useful tool to assess health and function. Thermography can screen for areas of nerve compression, muscle dysfunction, and helps determine the true source of your pain or concern.
BrainTap HRV Scan
Heart Rate Variabilty, or HRV, is an assessment tool used to assess how well your brain, nervous system, and body are working together. This in turn is a reflection of how well you can adapt moment by moment to the stress and challenges that daily life may bring, whilst also revealing how well primed your body is for healing and recovery.
Hands on Assessment
Dr Steve will perform some key hands-on assessment procedures, and adapt these to suit your physical level, your comfort, and presenting concerns. These will include a specific spinal palpation assessment, posture assessment, neurological examination (including reflexes and muscle testing), and appropriate orthopedic tests.
Koren Specific Technique (KST)
At Blue Sky Chiropractic, we offer Koren Specific Technique (KST). There is no twisting, turning, "cracking" or "popping" of joints with KST. Instead you receive gentle, specific corrections to your spine and structural system. Most adjustments are done with you standing or sitting.
Cranial Release Technique (CRT)
CRT works to restore proper function to the nervous system and proper balance to body structure. It has positive effects on conditions ranging from aches and pains to overall health and wellness. The entire cranium is "released" or restored to normal function in one process. This "release" of the bones of the skull initiates a release of all of the tissues and structures associated with the cranium.
The Adjustment
The aim of a chiropractic adjustment is to restore and maintain the normal spinal joint movement and alignment. Here at Blue Sky Chiropractic, Dr Steve uses precise, highly skilled hands-on techniques to get spinal joints moving. Because of the wide range of techniques available, here at Blue Sky Chiropractic, we are able to care for even the very young and the frail.